Fairy Tale (童話)
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Fallen Leaves Return to Roots (落葉歸根)
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Far Apart (天各一方)
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Faraway Wanderers (天涯客)
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Farewell Letter (訣別書)
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Fate and Heart (天意人心)
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Ferris Wheel is a Fool (摩天輪是傻瓜)
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Fight to Win (愛拼才會贏)
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Fireworks of Shoes (靴の花火)
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Flammable and Explosive (易燃易爆炸)
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Florescence (花期)
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Flower in the Wonderland (夢裡花)
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Fragrance of Rice (稻香)
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Fragrant Sacrifice (帝女花-香夭)
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Freedom (想自由)
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Friends (朋友)
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Full of Joy (喜洋洋)
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